D1: 学生(Academic) D2: 交流学者,访问学者 (Research Scholar) D3: 短期交换生(Student Exchange Programmes) D4: 来美国参加短期的训练或培训的人(Trainee, Trainee) D5: 来美国以短期经商或投资为目的的人 R1: 参加美国政府或美国国家组织举办的研究计划的人员 R2: 参加由美国政府授权的非政府组织的研究计划的工作人员 F1: 全日制在校学生 M1: 研究生课程的学生,如理工科等 P1: 学习非学术性课程的留学生 C1: 交流访问人士 (Visitor for Cultural and/or Information Studies Programme) J1: 就业者及研究人员 G1: 政府官员和外交家 B1,B2: 游客(Tourist, Transit, Invalid Carriers, Crew ) N9 : 过境旅客 (Transit Passenger) A: 美国人,美国公民,永久居民 I: 来此进行采访的记者 O: 外国政要 H,K,L : 特殊签证,给一些对美国的社会,经济有贡献的来美外籍人士 A-l: 来此进行体育比赛的运动员,教练和相关工作人员 E: 外国人(Non-citizen)
F-l : 来此工作的外籍人士(Foreign nationals with a job offer from an American company. These workers are not allowed to work off the books, otherwise they would be illegal aliens. They must have their employer sponsor them in order to get this visa) L: 外来劳工(The Employment & Immigration Section of U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services is responsible for administering visas that fall within its jurisdiction, including both employment-based immigrant and nonimmigrant visas as well as certain refugee and asylum classifications; these include
EB-1 through EB-5 and L status respectively. There also are many types of temporary worker visas which permit the holder to seek permanent residence after working in the United States legally for three years or more: H-1b, H-2a, etc.)
H-l : 来美进修的人士(Students who do not meet the standards required for admission into full-time study at accredited institutions may qualify for training under this program by entering one of two categories: vocational and other non-academic student,or foreign professional) Q: 来这进行学术交流的专家与教授 R: 宗教事务人员 S: 来这做志愿者 T: 来这短期工作者 W: 来美受训人员