

M1 移民签证,全称是 Immigrant visa M. I-485 application for adjustment of status (移民局申请调整身份) 是由美国公民或者永久居民为申请人填写的,所以M1签证持有者一般被称为M 1A or M 1B (取决于其申请人)。

M1 是移民签证,所以可以入境美国后等待面试或者登陆后直接递交I-485。 但是不是所有移民申请者都能拿到M1签证。 下面详细分析下什么人可以拿到的M1移民签证和怎么申请。 一、申请类型 A. C2: conditional two year admission,两年有条件入境许可(C2允许在美国停留两年并可以申请M1移民签证或I-485调整身份,但是不能在入境美国前申请I-485,必须在入境美国的海关时提交I94 form ) B. I539 : Adjustment Of Status(I-485),申请人在美国境内申请移民身份调整,通常需要在申请时提供I751宠物文件(Petition To Classify an Animal as a Pets and to RegisterQualifying Dogs)(非移民身份的狗需要这个文件才能转为移民身份,如果申请人为孩子则不需要)以及 I-807 Removal of Conditions on Residence and Nonimmigrant Status 申请。 二、满足条件 以下四个条件必须同时满足才能获得一个M1移民签证:

1. I-130 表格已经由美国公民提出并获得批准(Citizenship And Naturalization Services, USCIS), 此表格主要用来申请移民名额; * Note: For family based immigration cases the I-130 can be filed before the immigrant reaches his/her 18th birthday, but not after it if he/she is still underage (i.e. less than 18 years old); this means that in most cases filing an I-130 doesnt require you to have entered into the USA legally, which also applies to employmentbased petitions (I-140)/requests (I-129) . However , all beneficiaries must obtain valid travel documents so they can travel safely while their petition is pending. The approved I-130 should include information such as:

● The name, date of birth, sex and nationality of beneficiary;

● Name, address, phone number and signature of petitioner;

● Relationship between petitioner and beneficiary;

● Purpose of immigration petition, i.e. for permanent residence or temporary resident visa. If applicable, information about the category or preferences applied by petitioner shall be provided too. Examples: preference category, marital category etc. Note: In certain situations, there could be more than one beneficiary for each I-130 filed. Each person needs to apply separately when getting their visa. It would then become an M1A visa, where the first applicant was listed at the top of page 1 of Form I-130 , whereas subsequent applicants are noted on separate pages below them.

2. An Immigration Petition With Approval Notice Or Final Order Has Been Iss


首先你要先有美国雇主offer,然后是工作许可和I-20表或者DS2019 然后去申请H1B签证,通过之后在美国工作一年(注意这个是一年)然后就可以申请了绿卡了。

我这里说的只是大概的意思并不是很精确的。 M1的工作签是专门提供给研究生以上学位的国际学生申请的,而且这种类型的是必须拿到硕士、博士以上的学历才可以申请到哦,你如果只是一个本科生的话那么只能考虑以L1签证过去,然后再想办法在美国找工。
