我是在重庆领区的,签证是在上海大使馆签的,签证材料通过在线填写,扫描发送邮件申请的(记得留下自己有效的邮箱);大概2周时间收到使馆的电话和邮件通知,让去取护照(因为材料需要复核); 收到邮件后,携带身份证原件和复印件、户口本原件和复印、毕业证原件复印件,两张两寸白底免冠照到上海市延安东路889号美邦大厦15楼取护照。 具体邮件内容如下:
Dear applicant: Thank you for your application for a visa to your homeland. We have received all the necessary documents for processing and are pleased to inform you that we can proceed with the visa issuance after verifying/confirming the following: 1.Requests of Visa Free/Dialogue Promotion (For diplomatic/official visa) 2.Visa Issuance Fee has been paid in full 3.All the supporting documents are valid and have not expired 4.The passport is valid for at least six months from the date of arrival in Myanmar (For tourist/business visas)
Please note that applications which do not comply with this notification will be returned without further processing. You will need to pay a re-submission fee if you want to resubmit your application after completing the missing requirements.
We therefore advise you to read through these instructions carefully before filling out the application form on line. Please refer to FAQ section for any questions related to this process. You may also contact us on [email protected] with queries or requests for clarification.
Once again, thank you very much for your interest in visiting Myanmar. We are glad to assist you in planning your visit.
Meyar Linn Hotel & Casino Resort
P.O.Box 730, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel:+95-1—670731~35 Fax:+95-1—675282
Email:[email protected] Web:http://www.mayarlincr.com