谢邀。 之前在加国,听到过各种各样对“第二”的翻译和表达方式。 比较标准的说法是:The second. 比如老师批改完作业让你改个错:Hey,you made a mistake in your paper. The first one is ok, but the second … 又比如你向老板汇报工作:I have two proposals for next year’s budget. One is to reduce the number of sales reps by half and cut their salaries by 10% across the board;the other is to add three new positions that we can fill with external contractors at $75/hour each. 类似上述情况,用the second来指代第二个方案(或者第二种选择、第二次机会等)是很常见的。
还可以说成the following。 例句:Here are some ideas on how you might raise more money without increasing student fees. The following are four possibilities: 另外,还可以用一个短语来表示第二:next on the list。这个list可以是人脑中思考的事务清单,也可以是指书上、电影上、电视节目中的事项安排。 例句:If you want something done right, do it yourself. Next on the list: polish our presentation. 第三的话一般就说third了,也可以用thirdly来表示。