

在申请F1签证的过程中,有各种各样的“为什么”需要回答——为什么选择这个学校和专业?为什么没有考虑其他学校?资金是谁提供的?去美国做什么等等 这些问题看似简单,实则暗藏玄机,如果没有准备好的话很可能会被签证官抓住把柄。因此,一定要慎重对待。下面是我整理的常见的“why question”和对应的答案模板,希望对即将赴美留学的同学们有所帮助! Why you 为什么是你(Why me?) 你可以用两个部分来解释这个问题。 第一部分是“个人情况”(personal information),包括你的基本信息、学历、工作等等。这部分主要是向签证官表明你是真实的,是有一定学历的,不是骗子。 第二部分是你在留学计划中的个人目标(personal goal in study plan / personal objective),包括为什么要留学以及留学后的职业规划是怎么样的。这部分要体现你留学的目的性和专业性。 这个问题的核心在于证明你没有移民倾向,同时也没有打算在美国非法滞留。 参考回答模板: (Personal Information) I am XXX, a student of XX University. I will graduate next June with a bachelor degree and major in...(专业名称) In September, I am going to start my master's program at the state university where I have been admitted by the scholarship from their international office. The first year is on campus. My major in Master's would be...I hope to finish both degrees within six years. Besides learning theories, I will take classes like research methods which can help me do better in future job interviews. Moreover, besides studying, I also enjoy sports such as running/badminton/soccer etc. And after class time or weekend, I usually work part-time for some companies. As far as this goes, all these could demonstrate that I never stay in one place too long nor get so comfortable that I don’t want anything new. Furthermore, thanks to those experiences, now when it comes to choosing majors , it won’t matter much what others say, but whether they match my own interests. Nowadays , there are many young people who try to make decisions based on other peoples advice rather than thinking over their real interest instead of doing things according to their ability. So here we need freedom and responsibility , not dependents! To sum up, whatever happens before and after coming back China has already demonstrated how much dedication & determination I am willing to put into pursuing education since childhood. That why I believe having no plans of staying here longer once graduation approaches. Thank you! 注:此部分内容适用于任何申请人,但要注意,对于高中毕业生来说,他们的经历可能很少甚至是没有,此时可以不用详细说明,直接跳过即可。

Why school 你选择的这所学校(Why this school


F-1签证,是针对留学类非移民身份申请的永久性签证类型(绿卡) ,是申请人获得去美国的资格,可以长期在美国工作和学习的权利凭证;也是获得永久居留权后,申请公民身份的“绿卡”。

一般办理F-1签证的人都有留学的需求吧!那肯定要选学校啊,那么如何找到最棒的学校呢?当然是找排名靠前的大学了啦! 还有就是要考虑学校的地理位置以及安全情况哦~因为毕竟是在异国他乡嘛~万一发生点什么事怎么办呀!一定要选择治安比较好的地方上学哦~
