考鸭们好啊,我是小考~cork这篇阅读的题目难度不大,就是问法比较奇怪,容易让人答非所问。 文章介绍了三种设计住宅的方式以及各自的优势和缺陷,问题主要在于理解和同义替换。理解方面主要是对于名词的概念的理解(什么是建筑,什么是家居),同义替换主要是把文章中的抽象概念换成我们日常生活中更常见的表达。 先来看看文章: 这篇文章属于科普类文章,语言不难。但是!但是!烤鸭们一定注意文章的开头两段,每一段的第一句话都是全文的主题句,也就是答案的来源。然而很多烤鸭在做题的时候忽略了这一关键信息,从而导致做题速度很慢且错误率很高。我建议大家首先把主题句画出,然后带着话题感去读文章,这样效率高且不容易走神。
2.题目 The architect's design is usually driven by the needs of his client and the constraints of where he is working. What are the main drivers behind each of these three designs?(出题角度:段落主旨题) 答案是:客户的需求与限制因素。 问的都是原因,所以答题时尽量使用原因类的句子。
3.文章结构 第一段:介绍三种类型的家庭住宅 第二段:分别介绍这三种类型的住宅以及各自的优缺点 第三段:总结(最后一段) 4.解题步骤 做题过程中一定要带着问题去读文章,读完一段要总结一下这段主要讲了什么问题,这个问题就是回答问题的关键。
5.原文出处 Paragraph1~2 Both clients and site conditions can drive an architect's design. The need for space can stimulate the smallest house to be built in a way that maximizes its use of land. On the other hand, difficult or expensivesiteconditionscan leadto ingenious solutions. For example,an architect may designa home with an unusual shape or set it back from the street to make better use of an awkward lot or to save money on construction. In either case,the result will be a building whose form has altered to reflect the needs and resources of the client and the location where the job is done.
Paragraph3 To create a home that meets as many needs as possible,anarchitectwill consider allof the following EXCEPT: A.Where the home will be situated B.How much space it will need C.What kind of site it will have D.Who will use the home and how 大胆猜测,本题答案为C。根据前三题的答案可以发现,前面的题目都是针对客户的需要和问题来设计的,这道题则是反其道而行之,考虑问题从“限制”因素入手。这种反向提问的方法是很典型的雅思考试命题方式,同学们以后遇到类似的问题可以尝试一下这种方法。