London Business School,简称LBS,位于英国首都伦敦市中心,紧邻牛津街,地铁交通极为便利;学院共有两幢教学楼,一所是主楼(Main Building),另一所叫Clore Management Centre(CMI)。学校有两个图书馆,一个在学校主楼一层,另一个在CMI的4层。学校的餐厅有两个,一个是在主楼的5层,另一个在CMI的3层。另外,学校里有各种酒吧、咖啡厅等休闲场所。
The LSE is located in a beautiful area of London called Bloomsbury. It's around 10 minutes walk from Oxford Street and it has excellent transport links to other parts of the city by tube. The campus itself is made up of several buildings and facilities, including libraries, shops, student accommodation, restaurants and bars. There's also an on-site gym which you can use as part of your tuition fee (or pay extra for if you don't want to pay this as part of your fees).
The LSE is right next door to UCL,so students do have access to all of their resources like library,gym etc. The two campuses are about a ten minute bus ride away or about fifteen minute walk.
All new students at LSE will be sent information with maps and advice on where to live,how to get a taxi or the nearest tube station etc.
Admissions Tutor:Ms Gaby Sibila gaby.sibila@lse.ac.uk
International Admissions Office:international@lse.ac.uk
For 2+2 programmes:prospectus@lse.ac.uk
Facebook: @londonbusinessschool
Instagram: @londonbusiness_school
YouTube: @LSEBusinessSchool
LinkedIn: @london-business-school